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Careers and Jobs



Real World Job Title : Assistant Race Director

Brokeman’s Job Title : Assistant Race Director

Reports to : You will work directly with the owners of the company.


Applications will be taken from June 13th 2017 - June 20th 2017. (That’s one week)


About Brokemans : We provide a positive, affordable and community oriented racing environment that's low cost, low frills, but fully supported. We aim to bridge the gap between the road race atmosphere and the trail race atmosphere. Sustainability, affordability, community support, non-intimidation and tons of fun. So we have done away with the fan fair, the free bottles of wine and the giant inflatable arches, and lowered the cost to give everybody a chance to give running a shot!


Mission Statement : Brokeman's Running is a local grass roots running movement aiming at taking the glitz and swag out of the racing scene and bringing back the focus on community, the beauty of the grind, and the promotion of physical and mental health.


Know before you go : Start-up Status.


“Startup is a state of mind,” says Adora Cheung, cofounder and CEO of Homejoy, one of the Hottest U.S. Startups of 2013. “It’s when people join your company and are still making the explicit decision to forgo stability in exchange for the promise of tremendous growth and the excitement of making immediate impact.”


Brokeman’s Running is a start-up. Please read about what a start-up is before you go forwards.


I liked this article from Forbes.


Salary : One thing this means is that the salary and benefits will be very low to start. We ARE looking for someone who wants to grow with us. We ARE looking for someone who cares about what Brokeman’s is doing and the impact it is making in the running world and the community it’s creating. We are looking for someone who isn’t an employee, but takes ownership in their role in the company and grows it like it’s their own. We WILL be compensating as quickly as we can. The salary will be percentage based off of net race profits to start with. We will work together at making this a fair paid position as fast as we can. We are looking for someone who wants to grow this position into a full time career and help our company grow and become more impactful.


Position Summary :  The assistant race director will be in charge of helping the Brokeman’s Races operate. You will work directly with the Race Director in managing, executing, and follow up for all 10 events we put on, including our Brokebabe’s trail weekend. We have events that take place all year round in cities all around Ohio.


We are looking to solidify the brand and operations of Brokeman’s races and grow the existing ones. We are also looking to expand the races/events and add more in the coming years. We are looking for someone that feels comfortable in adding their own ideas and opinions and will eventually be able to operate without constant guidance once learning the brand. We’ve been around for over 3 years, so you are out of the baby start-up phase, and onto the exciting start-up phase.


Our company, being a continuously growing start up, is constantly trying to find it’s place in the world and we are ever growing and changing to stay relevant, inspiring, and community focused.


You will have the support of a team that consists of the Race Director/owner, the creative director, and the digital marketing guru. We also have a team of Ambassadors and awesome volunteers.


Responsibilities :  


Qualifications Required :


  • BA/BS degree in relevant field OR relevant related experience is required. You must be able to show me why you are qualified for this job in your application. This will include links to work, a portfolio and any descriptions of work you’ve been involved in.

  • You must understand our goals of bringing back to focus on what we explained in our mission statement and be able to combine that with the online world and understand the balance between those.

  • You must care immensely about our mission statement and make it your mission to help us show it to the world through our online presence.

  • Be able to be a creative forward thinker, an idea generator, a goal focused person. You must be able to pitch ideas, but be able to take criticism.

  • Be a detail-oriented self-starter with the ability to prioritize projects, work within short time frames and meet deadlines.

  • Able to work at home, flexible hours, many times on your own, and have the discipline to be productive without being told what to do all the time.

  • You must be able to work with a company that is still growing and learning and finding where the company wants to be in this world.

  • Outstanding creativity.

  • Ability to try things that may fail, learn from your mistakes, and push forward.

  • You must be positive, caring and energized.

  • Knowledge of/experience with event marketing a plus.


Work Environment and hours required : I see this job starting out at 10 hours a week of at home work. Plus 1x a week meetings with the team at a chosen location.

This is a work from home position primarily. You will be required to meet up at coffee shops (or other locations for meetings or my home) often during business hours at the start and then less often as you become comfortable with the company. You will be required to attend all events.


This position is based out of Columbus, Ohio. You must or close enough to drive in regularly as well as be able to attend all events for the duration of the weekend.


To Apply : Please send your cover letter and resume to






Real World Job Title : Race Pacer

Brokeman’s Job Title : Brokeman's Bellwether

Reports to : You will report to the owners of the company.


What's a Bellwether?

a person or thing that assumes the leadership or forefront, as of a profession or industry


or better yet:

a person who leads a mob, mutiny, conspiracy, or the like; ringleader.


We are looking for runners to serve as leaders for our races. A bellwether is different from a pacer in a few ways. 


A bellwether will be assigned a general pace to lead, but will focus more on support then keeping pace. You are more of a guide then a pacer so if you don't fall in right at the 9:30 min/mile pace, that's ok, but you will be able to let the runners that are around you know exactly what pace you are on at all time. You will also be flexible. If you need to run up a little you can, if you need to drop back a little you can. You will know the course. You will be motivating, encouraging and excited no matter the circumstances (like weather!), you will be knowledgable and a confident runner. 


In order to apply you must have reliable data that shows your pace for the appropriate distance. 


Compensation : You will receive a free Brokeman's Bellwether shirt that you will be required to wear at the event as well as free entry into the run. With consistency and reliability we will rewarding our Bellwether's with merch perks and other things throughout the year. 






Real World Job Title : Bike Lead/ Bike Sweep

Brokeman’s Job Title : Brokeman's Bike Trust Lead / Bike Trust Sweep

Reports to : You will report to the owners of the company.


What's a Bike Trust?


We will have 2 Brokeman's Bike Trust per event. The Bike Lead and the Bike Sweep. 


The Bike Trust Lead : will be required to lead the know the course in advanced and be highly aware of course direction. Must be able to maintain appropriate speeds for the races lead runners. Must own their own bike! Must carry a cell phone on them to maintain contact with the race crew.


The Bike Trust Sweep : will be required to bike the course following the last group of runner's for the longest distance. You must be able to follow the pace of the last runner. You may bike up and down the course periodically to check on other runners as well. The Bike Trust Sweep will be required to pick up all signage along the course as they pass it. You must have your own bike! But we can provide you with a bike trailer for picking up signs. Must carry a cell phone on them to maintain contact with the race crew.


Compensation : You will receive a free Brokeman's Bike Trust shirt that you will be required to wear at the event as well as free entry into the run. With consistency and reliability we will rewarding our Bike Trust with merch perks and other things throughout the year. 





Real World Job Title : Blogger

Brokeman’s Job Title : Blogger!

Reports to : You will report to the owners of the company.


What's a Blogger! : We have a blog on our website! But it is sadly lacking content. We are looking for REGULAR bloggers to fill our online pages with wonderful content about the act of running, as well as everything that circles around the community around it. Please reach out to us at if you are interested in writing a piece one time, or writing for us regularly. 


Compensation : Your first blog post will land you free entry into your favorite Brokeman's race. As you return back with regular content we will be compensating in various ways. Our regular bloggers will receive monetary compensation.


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